Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine Cupcakes

For Valentine's Day, my daughter and I made cupcakes. I know that is not completely creative but it was super fun! ...and I would like to say that I value the work that Duncan Hines has gone through to make such a wonder cake mix for me. Not creative? I know but busy moms have to make concessions and this was one for me.
I need to put the picture into perspective. These cuttie cupcakes are only the size of your thumb. They are dangerously small so it's impossible to keep track of calories. On the flip side, they are the perfect size for tiny little hands.


  1. Those cupcakes are super cute!! I love minature things. Where did you find the pans for the cupcakes? What fun to enjoy with your kids. I can't wait until Karlee is old enough to bake with me. Thanks for sharing the pictures.


  2. I haven't posted your pics yet but I will soon! They are called Itty Bitty Cupcakes and we bought them through Scholastic!
