We are not quite there yet, I realize that, but this is what I crave this time of year! I feel stretched to be inticed by the warm weather and still confined by the cool weather.
I can't wait to see the green leaves and beautiful blossoms in the garden. These are pictures from last year that I look at to help me get excited about the "planning" for this year. Every garden needs a plan even if the plan is one container on the porch with a tomato plant in it. It's funny how pennies on the dollar can make you feel so good.
The hay bales were beautiful but the garden is a source of our food, a test of deligency, and a reward of self-accomplishment. So the question is... Is utility the antonym for creativity? Or...
Does utility beget creativity? I think creativity comes from utility and some of the most creative things have come from a spin-off of the most practical items.
How is a garden creative? You might creatively share the harvest, or creatively try a new recipe. You might put a plant on the front porch that brings joy to people walking down the street. I've seen veggies growing out of old coffee cans, beautiful planters, and even old tires. Be creative and use what you have.
These pictures are nature's true colors. I did not enhance any of them. They are generously green...naturally.
My challenge is for you to think about planting something this Spring....don't plant yet...just think about it.
Post in the comment section you think you might plant, and I will give you personal support!!!