Wednesday, September 22, 2010

County Fair Ribbons

I'm probably confusing you all by going back and forth here, but our county fair and state fair are only a few days apart....and as usual, I'm just trying to keep up. Sooooo, here are some pics of the county fair.

Lily got 3rd place for her first-time cross-stitch. Each member of her sewing club made a cross-stitch of one of their initials. My daughter is a Cloverbud in the 4-H sewing club so we didn't think it would be competitive but seeing the ribbon was a nice surprise. (I bet she get's better at the next fair!)

This table is the Junior table. I just loved seeing all the different things that people get inspired to make. You can walk down the aisle and sense how much time it must have taken for all these "juniors" to make their projects. I just love it! It's so satisfying to watch families come in and look around for their entries and hear their pride, their ooooo-s and aaaaaaahhhh-s and giggles! And if a smile had a sound, you could hear it that evening.

The Celtic Knot was done by a friend who is an amazing cross-stitcher, Rilda. She picked the perfect matting and frame to showcase her very first entry into a fair! Can you believe it? She got first place....I have to say, I wasn't surprised. I got that feeling of pride when I saw the ribbon and thought, "should I call her? ....should I wait and let her see it? ....I want to call her!" But rest assured, my patience prevailed and I didn't say anything. The next morning, she had that glow on her face and I knew, she knew!!!!

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