Friday, September 17, 2010

A Few Fair Entries

It's Fair time! ....State Fair time.

We took a few entries to the state fair to drop off. My daughter and her friend came along with me to get a sneak peek of the excitement to come. And they helped me carry my items inside, thank you girls...I had a lot.

We dropped off the Pickled Peaches, Pickled Garlic, and Strawberry/Blueberry jam. These sweet little old ladies were taking all of the entries and they were so excited to see what people made. I loved watching them smile when they would take jars of wonderful stuff from the entry table to the competition table.

I snapped a picture as quick as I could, while answering questions, getting my claim check, signing a waiver, and telling the girls not to go too far. So, I missed the great shot of all my pieces that I entered but managed to get a shot of the knitted dress really fast before they took it off to the knitting section.

Got a quick pic of the dress too. It's a close up but hopefully I'll get a full picture this weekend.
It's so exciting to watch all the people that come to the arts and crafts building and look around! People get so impressed and amazed at what other regular, busy people can create. I hope it's as inspiring to you as it is to me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Everything is so nice. Loved the pics. Keep it up my child.
